06. Insert Points
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Insert Points
Starter Code Walkthrough
ND312 C1 L3 A29 Insert Points - Concept [LB]
Insert Points
The previous concept showed how points are inserted into the tree. How about doing this in C++? Implementing a recursive helper function to insert points can be a very nice way to update Nodes. The basic idea is that the tree is traversed until the Node it arrives at is NULL, in which case a new Node is created and replaces the NULL Node. For assigning a Node, one way is to use a double pointer. You could pass in a pointer to the node, starting at root, and then when you want to replace a node you can dereference the double pointer and assign it to the newly created Node. Another way of achieving this is by using a pointer reference as well. For references, check out the code below for doing insertion in C++ but with a binary tree. The insertion for a KD-Tree will be very similar to this.
Example of Insertion for Binary Tree
Double Pointer
void insert(BinaryTreeNode **node, int data)
if(*node == NULL)
*node = getNewNode(data);
else if(data < (*node)->data)
insert(&(*node)->left, data);
insert(&(*node)->right, data);
Pointer Reference
void insert(BinaryTreeNode *&node, int data)
if(node == NULL)
node = getNewNode(data);
else if(data < node->data)
insert(node->left, data);
insert(node->right, data);
Check out the quiz and try getting the resulting image from the previous concept, visually showing how each point is separating the x/y regions.
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ND313 C1 L3 A33 Insert Points - Solution